

TMD-Functional therapy – Gnathology

The functional therapy is not only important for the treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), but also in our every day treatment, for example in conservative, prosthetic, orthodontic or oral surgical treatment, because without function, even the best work is destined to failure.

Functional disturbances can be of myogenic (muscular) or arthritic (joint related) origins as well as due to occlusal disturbances. This can result in pain, abrasion lesions on the teeth, resorption of the alveolar (jaw) bone, jaw joint problems, ear aches and painful chewing, neck and shoulder muscles.

Furthermore 30% of all tension headaches are caused by a temporomandibular joint disorder. In 25% of all people with chronic tinnitus temporomandibular joint dysfunctions play a part. This is also the cause for ear aches and functional disturbances of the cervical spine.

Today we know that temporomandibular dysfunctions can cause an unbalanced pelvis, geoliose of the spine and blockages of the vertebrae, especially C1 and C2.

On the other hand the position of the lower jaw and therefore, the occlusion can be changed by conditions of orthopaedic origin, as well as, head and body posture.

To be able to treat the cause of the problem, it is necessary to make a diagnosis after clinical functional diagnosis tests. Then we need to collaborate with orthopaedic surgeons, ear-, nose- and throat specialists, as well as physiotherapists for osteopathy and craniosacrital therapy.

Stress can be another cause for functional disturbances.


TMD – temporo-manibular joint dysfunction
Gnathology – diagnosis of TMD
Splint therapy
Waxup / Setup
Continuation of therapies