What is the difference between a general dental practitioner and a dental practitioner with a Master of Science (MSc)?
The Master of Science is a 2 ½ – 3 year postgraduate university course. A few years work experience after graduation is prerequisite to be accepted. It entails 1000 lessons with highly recognized national and international lecturers, teaching the newest scientific research and consolidating the already existing knowledge. This knowledge is tested with written examinations at regular intervals.
In addition to that the students have to submit a certain number of clinical cases and a written scientific thesis.
At the end of the course those students that fulfilled all the course requirements are submitted to the final oral and written examination. In the oral examination the clinical cases and the thesis have to be defended.
With the Master of Science (MSc), the dentist is a recognized specialist in his field, where the patient, having complex dental problems, for which the general dental practitioner does not have the required professional development, is in good hands.